I hope you are feeling well.
I hope you are not coughing or sneezing.
I hope you can breathe deep enough so you can sleep through the night.
I hope you don't have shooting pain behind your eyes and ears.
I hope as you are reading this you feel perfectly well and whole .... because I don't.
I have been feeling "under the weather" for over 2 weeks, and it's incredible to believe that I am still functioning. I have been stubbornly confident that I could beat this virus ... but the rumors are true - I have failed.
And after much advice from my mother, my wife, my co-workers, my friends, and yes even my dog - I went to the doctor yesterday. I spent about 30 minutes talking with my physician, explaining my symptoms and letting her run some tests.
I was grateful when she knew quickly what was wrong with me and sent a prescription to the local pharmacy. While I was waiting to get my prescription filled it got me thinking about how important it is for us to spend time with a physician when we aren't feeling well. They are able to assess the situation and have the authority to give us what we need in order to feel better.
I guess that's why we are supposed to get regular check ups - to make sure that everything is going well. My problem is that sometimes I'm stubborn and think I can do it on my own. But in reality I need someone else's advice, expertise, and support.
The same is true about our spiritual lives. We need regular heart check ups. We need the advice, expertise, and support of others. I love what the author of Hebrew says in his letter (10:25), "Let us not give up on meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another..."
It's easy to drift off into our own thing. There are plenty of distractions, plenty of other things to take our time, our energy and our focus. But let's not give up on meeting together - let's get together and encourage one another. Let's dig into God and His word and find the prescriptions for how to live the abundant life He created for us.
That's why I love that we continue to "get together" in the Student Ministry each week. It truly is encouraging.
I hope we will see you in the coming weeks, for High School Students (9th-12th) we meet from 6-8pm on Sunday nights, and for Jr. High Students (6th-8th) we meet on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:30pm. We hope to see each of you feeling healthy and ready to share life together!